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What homeowners look for when choosing a vacation property manager

For homeowners, properties are pretty much like babies. And just like good parents will put time and careful consideration into selecting a sitter for their children, responsible homeowners will make diligent efforts to ensure they are leaving their precious homes in capable hands.

If you want to be the company all homeowners are scrambling to hire, you’ve got to know what they expect from a vacation rental property manager. And then, well, you’ve got to be that.

Vacation Rental Property Management

Here’s what homeowners look for in a property management company:

Table of Contents

1. Experience

Yep, this one’s not exclusive to property managers. No matter what job you want, you’re always better positioned to get it with a little experience under your belt. But don’t be discouraged if you’re just starting out. There are ways to beef up your resume before pitching your business to big-time property owners. Though it may not sound as glamorous, offering your services at lower prices to “smaller fish” with just one or two properties is a great method of building your portfolio and your confidence, another trait everyone looks for in a business associate!

2. Availability

A large portfolio tells homeowners that you are good at what you do, but it can also make them question whether you will be available to both them and their guests. The truth is that, between all of their responsibilities, property managers have pretty packed schedules. Fortunately, there are tools you can use to ensure you get to everything and to give potential clients some peace of mind. A property management software is a great time-saving resource, especially one that is smartphone compatible, so you can keep your head in the game even when you’re on the road. A homeowner’s portal is another efficient way to update clients about their listings without taking time away from your other tasks. Additionally, outsourcing guest communication to a reliable third-party guarantees that all guest enquiries and comments will be met with prompt and professional responses.

Vacation Rental Property Management

3. Marketing Expertise

The single most important thing homeowners need you to do is draw guests to their vacation rentals. You can be capable, trustworthy and well-organized, but all that is irrelevant if you can’t fill listings. Property owners want managers who will take every route necessary to avoid vacancies. This means you’ll have to be capable of managing effectively presented listings across multiple channels, a task that can be made much smoother with the right software. Creating a branded booking website featuring all the rentals you manage is another valuable means of demonstrating to potential clients that you’ve got your marketing game locked down.

4. Vision

If Step One is attracting guests to your properties, Step Two is ensuring that they are properties where the many types of travellers will enjoy staying. Homeowners know that a top notch customer experience is what will earn their rentals positive reviews, referrals to friends, and returning guests, so they’re going to look for a short-term rental property manager who makes this a priority. Guest wants and needs change as the market evolves, so assure potential clients that you are someone who stays on top of industry trends and can incorporate them into your properties whenever possible.

5. Tech-Savviness

You don’t need to be able to write code to successfully manage properties, but in this day and age, technology is your friend. You’ve got a lot of responsibilities so why not show homeowners that you aren’t afraid to take advantage of technological resources and delegate some of the work to quality software? You can also lean on technology to make properties more secure (with keyless locks) and offer homeowners money-saving tools (like devices that regulate thermostats and turn off unneeded lights). Everyone’s impressed by a professional who embraces modern resources and understands their value.

Vacation Rental Property Management

6. Strong Leadership

Vacation rental property management is rarely a one-man show. Between reception staff and cleaning and maintenance personnel, you’ve got a fair share of people to manage in addition to properties. Show clients you can effectively communicate and coordinate with all the various members of your team in order to keep the entire short-term property management process running smoothly.

If you’re a hard worker who’s got what it takes to make listings profitable, all that’s left to do is showcase that to potential clients. Be confident in yourself and homeowners are sure to follow suit. You’ve got this!

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