Get started

Aggregate, analyze, and respond to every guest review from one centralized place.

Guest reviews can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to feel in control of your brand reputation. Reva aggregates your reviews into one centralized channel, giving you the visibility and control needed to uncover actionable business insights. From there, it’s easy to track reviews across every property and channel, and leverage AI to generate and publish replies directly to OTAs.

The benefits of using Reva with Guesty

  • Consolidate reviews from every channel into one centralized dashboard. Then, download trend reports to identify problem properties, reward high-performing staff, and much more
  • Leverage AI to generate and respond to reviews directly fo Airbnb and Vrbo
  • Seamlessly publish your best reviews to your website for better SEO, more direct bookings, and higher ADRs

Integration Features

  • Sync listings and reservation data directly from Guesty
  • Connect your Guesty and Reva accounts in just a few hours