Una sola piattaforma per tutte le prenotazioni
Indipendentemente dal numero di annunci che hai o dai portali che utilizzi, tutte le tue prenotazioni appariranno nel tuo calendario Guesty.
Massimizza I Ricavi
Adatta i prezzi per date specifiche direttamente dal tuo calendario per aumentare la redditività.
Verifica La Disponibilità
Un turista si presenta da te senza aver prenotato, o qualcuno ti chiama per ricevere informazioni? Guarda subito la disponibilità di tutte le tue strutture ricettive per poter rispondere subito
Prenotazioni Rapide
Blocca determinate date dalle prenotazioni o trasferisci gli ospiti in un’altra sistemazione quando necessario.
FAQs about our Multi-Calendar
Can the Multi-Calendar be used for multi-unit properties?
Yes. Guesty has developed calendar management software that is compatible with multi-listing properties. Every location has its own property management calendar, which displays all relevant information regarding each of its units. With Guesty’s Smart Calendar Rules, you can create automated rules for multi-unit calendars, which are built to maximize occupancy by allowing the relocation of upcoming reservations from one unit to another.
How can you control availability in your calendar?
When configuring your calendar, you can choose to add a number of settings, including a booking window, which states how far in advance guests can make reservations, and advance notice, which defines how much notice is required before a reservation and can prevent last-minute bookings if desired.
In addition to availability settings, Guesty offers calendar management tools that enable users to set and adjust their prices and minimum night rules.
Will all changes made on the Multi-Calendar be reflected across your channels?
Yes. When a change is made on Guesty’s Multi-Calendar, those adjustments are automatically reflected across all channels that the user has synced with Guesty’s platform. Changes made on the actual channels will not be automatically reflected in the Multi-Calendar, so it is important to make your changes in Guesty.