App Di Gestione Mobile

Ci sono destinazioni da visitare e persone da incontrare. E ora puoi portare con te in viaggio i tuoi strumenti di gestione preferiti.

Gestione delle strutture ricettive, anche in movimento

Gestisci le prenotazioni, verifica la distribuzione delle tariffe e accedi al tuo multi-calendario comodamente dallo smartphone. Che si tratti di un aggiornamento di un’attività o di messaggi degli ospiti, grazie alle notifiche push personalizzate dell’app non ti perderai mai nulla.

Guesty Mobile inbox

guesty mobile chat

Rimani connesso

Comunica con gli ospiti, ovunque ti trovi, tramite la Posta in arrivo unificata di Guesty, ora anche da mobile

Tieni aggiornato il tuo staff

Elimina la necessità costante di inviare e-mail e offri al tuo personale accesso immediato alle attività assegnate. Tieni traccia dello stato di ciascuna attività e consenti ai dipendenti di aggiornarti con qualsiasi informazione importante lasciando note accanto alle attività assegnate.

Guesty mobile management app

FAQs about our Mobile Management App

  • Why is it important to be able to manage on the go?

    More and more industries are developing technologies to enable professionals to work remotely. This probably has to do with the rising expectations of consumers, who have grown accustomed to immediate service and resolutions. 

    As a property manager with multiple guests to cater to at once, you and your business will greatly benefit from having a short-term property management software that can fit in the palm of your hand, one you can take with you as you check in on your various properties so that you never miss a beat when it comes to tending to your guests’ needs

  • What are the advantages of a native app over a mobile web app?

    While many software systems have versions that are mobile compatible and can be used on a mobile web browser, native apps are built specifically for mobile devices, which means they are generally faster and a lot more stable. 

    It is critical for a property management app to be as efficient and reliable as possible if professionals are going to be using it to run their businesses in real time, so native apps are definitely the way to go. 

  • Is there a seperate app for staff?

    No. Guesty offers one app to all uses, but different logins will allow users to view different versions of the app. Your personnel will see the task management aspect of the app, where they can view their assigned tasks and note any important updates, but won’t have any access to other information about your business.

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